

16 and older; corrects undesirable nasal appearance like a hump, bump, bulbous tip, wide or flat nose

Rhinoplasty Facial Plastic Surgery Beverly Hills 1

Your nose is one of the most noticed and characterizing features of your face. Rhinoplasty, also known as a “nose job”, can be a very challenging procedure and must always be individualized since each nose is unique.

As a facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Champagne specializes in rhinoplasty and will use years of experience to help you achieve the look you desire. Some patients also experience difficulty breathing through the nose which can be caused by several factors such as a deviated septum or enlarged turbinates.

Dr. Champagne evaluates your nose for these problems during your consultation and can correct them with a septoplasty and/or turbinate reduction during your rhinoplasty procedure if necessary.


  • Crooked nose

  • Prominent hump

  • Bulbous or misshapen tip

  • History of nasal trauma

  • Difficulty breathing through the nose

  • Realistic goals and expectations

In addition, the best candidates are individuals who do not have thin skin and have strong cartilage support in the nose.


There are several approaches to rhinoplasty, but in general, an incision is placed either in the nose (endonasal) or externally and well hidden under the nose. A nasal cast is worn on the outside of the nose for the first week following surgery, and internal splints are also removed after seven days. Sutures, if necessary, are removed after four days. Nasal congestion should be expected for up to two weeks. If surgical adjustment of the nasal bones is necessary then bruising around the eyes is expected and can last two to three weeks. Swelling varies among patients, and the majority of swelling resolves over the first month. After one month, swelling, although minimal, will still be present and gradually resolves over the next six to twelve months. Because of this, final results should not be expected until one year after surgery.


Those patients who undergo rhinoplasty may also benefit from a chin implant, septoplasty and/or turbinate reduction.


Please contact Dr. Jason Champagne to schedule a personalized, confidential consultation with our facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Jason Champagne. During your consultation, Dr. Champagne will address your goals and answer any questions you may have regarding rhinoplasty or any other procedure we offer.

Rhinoplasty Facial Plastic Surgery Beverly Hills 2
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